Bunkom and the Enchanted Spectacles

I played around on Canva to come up with some covers for a short story I've got on Book Funnel. My favorite is number two. He looks like he's got a colander on his head. Most other people I've talked to say they like number four. What's your favorite? Put it in the comments!
My discord writing group ladies are a fabulous bunch. When I ask for help, they are always happy to give it. This time, I asked for a prompt, because I want to write more short stories. I was given this: a dwarf character named Bunkom, enchanted spectacles, and a bit of dialogue, "I didn't see that coming." I had to incorporate all three into my story. That I did, and I had a blast writing it!
Here's the blurb:
Bunkom Dondolir Broadchin, legendary dwarf warrior and King's Champion, retires to enjoy the fruits of his adventuring labors. But when Bertha informs him she's pregnant with his seventh wee one, Bunkom finds the call to adventure too hard to resist. He made a vow to his wife that his monster-slaying days were behind him, so he begs his god to help him with a solution.
Dakhad answers his prayers. The results aren't what he was expecting.
Now as a result of writing this, I want to write the rest of what happened in a novel. Aaauugh! Inspiration has struck. April is Camp NaNoWriMo, so I plan to do a bunch of writing. The question is... write more Bunkom, or finish Cooking Up Magick? I know what I should do, but I'll at least outline the Bunkom story, so I can work on that in my free time later on.
I sent this story out to my newsletter subscribers FREE today. If you would like to read it and aren't on my subscriber list, subscribe! Respond to my welcome email saying you want to read it and I'll send you the link.
Also--if you come up with a fun prompt for me, and it takes my imagination, I may write a short story based on YOUR prompt! My goal is to write one new short story per month. Let 'em rip!