By Her Grace
Tech Terror

Feb 10, 2023 by HL Bernabe
The moment I decided to become an author, I knew my lack of computer savvy would be a detriment to my work. I required a technological transformation. I know enough to get around the computer for most things I need. But being an author required knowledge in social media apps that I did not have, as well as design programs, formatting programs, writing programs, publishing platforms, and so on. Since March last year, I have created accounts on most of the social media platforms and attempted to familiarize myself with how they work, though I still feel hopelessly outgunned, especially on Instagram and Tiktok and on marketing planning programs like Tailwind. Social media is such a... a thing. My kiddo...
It's On Amazon!!
Feb 03, 2023 by HL Bernabe
My novella is on Amazon! AAAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHHH! I am so excited. Can you tell? You can read it for free on Kindle Unlimited, or the ebook is available for purchase for $2.99.
By Her Grace is the prequel to book one in my epic fantasy series The Dell Chronicles. The novella is great for people who like Legends and Lattes. It has kind and sympathetic characters that you love to love, and takes place in a cosy fantasy setting. Please read it. And I would be most grateful if you wrote a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads (super doubly wonderful if you did that on both).
My novella is on Amazon! AAAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHHH! I am so excited. Can you tell? You can read it for free on Kindle Unlimited, or the ebook is available for purchase for $2.99.
By Her Grace is the prequel to book one in my epic fantasy series The Dell Chronicles. The novella is great for people who like Legends and Lattes. It has kind and sympathetic characters that you love to love, and takes place in a cosy fantasy setting. Please read it. And I would be most grateful if you wrote a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads (super doubly wonderful if you did that on both).
January Ramping Up

Jan 27, 2023 by HL Bernabe
So many cogs and wheels make writing and publishing possible.
January and February are starting my year off with lots of stuff to do. By Her Grace: A Dell Chronicles Novella is going to be moved onto the Amazon platform at the beginning of February. As soon as it is available there, I will let you all know. I would be deeply grateful if those of you who have read my novella would write a review on the Amazon site when it is up. Oh, and on Goodreads, too!
If you haven’t read By Her Grace: A Dell Chronicles Novella, you can still get it free through Book Funnel. You also have access to a bunch of other free books on a...
January and February are starting my year off with lots of stuff to do. By Her Grace: A Dell Chronicles Novella is going to be moved onto the Amazon platform at the beginning of February. As soon as it is available there, I will let you all know. I would be deeply grateful if those of you who have read my novella would write a review on the Amazon site when it is up. Oh, and on Goodreads, too!
If you haven’t read By Her Grace: A Dell Chronicles Novella, you can still get it free through Book Funnel. You also have access to a bunch of other free books on a...

Dec 30, 2022 by HL Bernabe
Wow. This year is done already. It's hard to believe. It swept away like the seeds of a dandelion in a wind gust.
I've been working on my epic fantasy series since 2020. It feels simultaneously like I've been working on them forever, and yet also like I'm just getting started. This year has been a year of learning for me. I feel like I've been in grad school, learning the publishing and writing business. I have learned so much, sometimes I think my brain won't be able to hold it all.This year is also the year I started to get some things done. I wrote the prequel to my series, a novella called By Her Grace. It's published and...
It's here! It's done!

Dec 16, 2022 by HL Bernabe
My fantasy novella By Her Grace is finished! You can get it free. Please read it and comment below. Let me know what you think!
Get Free Copy Here
By Her Grace Cover Reveal

Dec 09, 2022 by HL Bernabe
The cover is finished, and now I'm just waiting for the formatting to get done. Hopefully, they will have it formatted before the end of the year! I'm so stinking excited! I can't wait to share my novella with you all.
Be sure to sign up for the newsletter to get a free copy!
Here's the blurb:
Halfling chef Paisley Dell lives in Aspenwood, a small town at the meeting of two major trade roads. The Dells own the Rosebud Inn and are pillars of the halfling community.
Paisley is happy, but... something is missing. She feels unfulfilled and restless. On her Becoming Day, she meets a mysterious young human, pregnant and on the run, and through her Paisley glimpses a...
By Her Grace Update

Nov 04, 2022 by HL Bernabe
courtesy pexels and Cottonbro
Exciting things are brewing with my novella. I finished it, and edited the crap out of it using ProWritingAid (PWA), had it beta read by several people, did some developmental edits, edited the crap out of it some more, and sent it off to a proofreader.
During one summit I went to recently, people were the extolling the virtues of AutoCrit, another editing software like PWA. And quite a few said they had both PWA AND AutoCrit, and that they found having both was helpful. I was hesitant, but they were offering a lifetime license on something that is normally a yearly subscription, and that subscription is spendy. So I splurged.
Wow! I'm glad I did. Running By...
Exciting things are brewing with my novella. I finished it, and edited the crap out of it using ProWritingAid (PWA), had it beta read by several people, did some developmental edits, edited the crap out of it some more, and sent it off to a proofreader.
During one summit I went to recently, people were the extolling the virtues of AutoCrit, another editing software like PWA. And quite a few said they had both PWA AND AutoCrit, and that they found having both was helpful. I was hesitant, but they were offering a lifetime license on something that is normally a yearly subscription, and that subscription is spendy. So I splurged.
Wow! I'm glad I did. Running By...
Finishing Novella

Oct 14, 2022 by HL Bernabe
Work on my novella continues. I'm thinking about changing the title to Grace. I like it better, but it doesn't give much of a fantasy vibe. By Her Grace is only marginally better in that regard. We'll see. Having a picture of a cast-iron skillet on the cover will give it even more of a fantasy appeal. Not. But... this is a prequel to Cooking Up Magick, an epic fantasy about a young halfling woman who goes on a quest to learn the world's cuisines, so... it seems appropriate. And this novella is all about how Paisley Dell gets the courage to go on that quest, and how she gives her favorite pan a name.
I got some great feedback from...

Sep 30, 2022 by HL Bernabe
I wrote a novella! It's called By Her Grace. It ties into Cooking Up Magick, the book I have set to launch next year, and the novella is a prequel.Halfling chef Paisley Dell lives in Aspenwood, a small town at the confluence of two major trade roads. The Dells own the Rosebud Inn and are pillars of the halfling community.
Paisley is happy, but... something is missing. She feels unfulfilled and restless. On her Becoming Day, she gets sucked into the intrigue of a mysterious young human, pregnant and on the run, and through her Paisley glimpses a world she desperately wishes she could know. A world of spice, elves, and exotic, faraway places.
As their friendship grows with every...