From NaNo to NoNo!

National Novel Writing Month is over, and I have never been so glad. The last two NaNo’s I managed to win, one of which was by the hair of my teeth. I completed last year’s novel, though it was very, very rough and still needs to be torn apart and re-written, LOL. But at least I got my ideas on the page and wrote something that was very difficult for me to write.
This year, however… This year started off really well. I had an outline and everything. I stumbled on the first night, falling asleep at my computer after only typing 55 words, but I more than made up for it in the following days and weeks. By the end of week two, however, I was in trouble.
Going Silent Until December
NaNoWriMo is right around the corner! I plan on participating, do you?
Bunkom and the Enchanted Spectacles

I played around on Canva to come up with some covers for a short story I've got on Book Funnel. My favorite is number two. He looks like he's got a colander on his head. Most other people I've talked to say they like number four. What's your favorite? Put it in the comments!
My discord writing group ladies are a fabulous bunch. When I ask for help, they are always happy to give it. This time, I asked for a prompt, because I want to write more short stories. I was given this: a dwarf character named Bunkom, enchanted spectacles, and a bit of dialogue, "I didn't see that coming." I had to incorporate all three into my story. That...

Wow. This year is done already. It's hard to believe. It swept away like the seeds of a dandelion in a wind gust.
I've been working on my epic fantasy series since 2020. It feels simultaneously like I've been working on them forever, and yet also like I'm just getting started. This year has been a year of learning for me. I feel like I've been in grad school, learning the publishing and writing business. I have learned so much, sometimes I think my brain won't be able to hold it all.This year is also the year I started to get some things done. I wrote the prequel to my series, a novella called By Her Grace. It's published and...
NaNoWriMo 2022 NSFW Version

I'm taking part in NaNo again this year. For those of you who don't know what that is, NaNo is National Novel Writing Month, where a bunch of us writers all get together in spirit and write our asses off, with the goal of reaching 50,000 words. I have participated the last two years, and "won", i.e. I reached the target goal and then some.
For my last two NaNos, I worked on my fantasy novel series. This year I needed a break to refresh. Working on one thing for so long, even when I love the project, can be tedious. I needed to do something different, something to take myself out of that world, so...