
Writing Related Stuff

I've Dipped My Toes Into Coaching Waters

I've Dipped My Toes Into Coaching Waters
Sep 27, 2024 by HL Bernabe

A repeat editing gig client hired me to coach them, and I was so tickled!

Inspiration and Ideas

Inspiration and Ideas
Mar 15, 2024 by HL Bernabe

For writing, success = ass in the chair. For inspiration, sometimes it's the same.

When Did I Become a Troglodyte?

When Did I Become a Troglodyte?
Feb 09, 2024 by HL Bernabe

There is no arguing that computers have made our lives so much better. Yet, I think in some ways, technology has also made our lives harder. If a person (me—that person is me) can't keep up with the changes, it is really easy to fall behind.

Character Driven Stories

Character Driven Stories
Aug 18, 2023 by HL Bernabe
Do you prefer plot-driven or character-driven stories? For me, it’s always about the characters. When I’m reading a character driven story, I’m more invested. I identify more with them; I want them to succeed (or not, depending). So it seems only natural that when I create my stories, they are character driven, too.

Humbled By A Creativity Block

Humbled By A Creativity Block
Jul 14, 2023 by HL Bernabe
I’ve read social media posts from authors complaining about writer’s block. I’ve seen workshops on how to overcome writer’s block, but never took them, because it seemed like such a foreign concept to me. I couldn’t imagine ever having a block on my writing or storytelling ability. Until May came around...

Threads--Haven or Not?

Threads--Haven or Not?
Jul 08, 2023 by HL Bernabe
Everybody is talking about Threads. Well, people in my little circle are talking about Threads. They say it’s like a breath of fresh air without all the toxicity of Musk’s baby, and blah blah blah. But is it?

Bunkom and the Enchanted Spectacles

Bunkom and the Enchanted Spectacles
Mar 31, 2023 by HL Bernabe




I played around on Canva to come up with some covers for a short story I've got on Book Funnel. My favorite is number two. He looks like he's got a colander on his head. Most other people I've talked to say they like number four. What's your favorite? Put it in the comments!

My discord writing group ladies are a fabulous bunch. When I ask for help, they are always happy to give it. This time, I asked for a prompt, because I want to write more short stories. I was given this: a dwarf character named Bunkom, enchanted spectacles, and a bit of dialogue, "I didn't see that coming." I had to incorporate all three into my story. That...

Two Summits, One Week

Two Summits, One Week
Mar 10, 2023 by HL Bernabe

Last week was a doozy, y'all. I attended two writing summits in one week. Now, back in October, I attended three summits over two weeks. And while there was some overlap, I never felt completely overwhelmed with the number of seminars/workshops/etc. on offer.

This time was different. ProWritingAid had their fantasy and science fiction writer's week from February 27 - March 2nd. The Women in Publishing (WIP) Summit was scheduled from March 1st through March 4th. The fantasy summit had about 5-6 workshops per day. They touched on editing, marketing, structure, and basic craft, as well as topics specific to fantasy and science fiction, like world building. The WIP Summit blew the PWA Fantasy Week out of the water...

Tech Terror

Tech Terror
Feb 10, 2023 by HL Bernabe

The moment I decided to become an author, I knew my lack of computer savvy would be a detriment to my work. I required a technological transformation. I know enough to get around the computer for most things I need. But being an author required knowledge in social media apps that I did not have, as well as design programs, formatting programs, writing programs, publishing platforms, and so on. Since March last year, I have created accounts on most of the social media platforms and attempted to familiarize myself with how they work, though I still feel hopelessly outgunned, especially on Instagram and Tiktok and on marketing planning programs like Tailwind. Social media is such a... a thing. My kiddo...

January Ramping Up

January Ramping Up
Jan 27, 2023 by HL Bernabe
So many cogs and wheels make writing and publishing possible.

January and February are starting my year off with lots of stuff to do. By Her Grace: A Dell Chronicles Novella  is going to be moved onto the Amazon platform at the beginning of February. As soon as it is available there, I will let you all know. I would be deeply grateful if those of you who have read my novella would write a review on the Amazon site when it is up. Oh, and on Goodreads, too!

If you haven’t read By Her Grace: A Dell Chronicles Novella, you can still get it free through Book Funnel. You also have access to a bunch of other free books on a...


Dec 30, 2022 by HL Bernabe

Wow. This year is done already. It's hard to believe. It swept away like the seeds of a dandelion in a wind gust.

I've been working on my epic fantasy series since 2020. It feels simultaneously like I've been working on them forever, and yet also like I'm just getting started. This year has been a year of learning for me. I feel like I've been in grad school, learning the publishing and writing business. I have learned so much, sometimes I think my brain won't be able to hold it all.This year is also the year I started to get some things done. I wrote the prequel to my series, a novella called By Her Grace. It's published and...

Heads 'Sploding Everywhere

Heads 'Sploding Everywhere
Oct 29, 2022 by HL Bernabe
courtesy pexels and Nadezhda Moryak

Oh, my goodness. I am soooo tired. These last two weeks, I've attended THREE different writer summits. So much content, so much stuff to learn, so much well, MUCH.

Ray Brehm and Paul Brodie hosted the first one, and it was called the Platform Building Summit. It was all about building an author platform, getting readers, marketing, etc. The second summit was called Escape the Plot Forest and hosted by Daniel David Wallace. It was about things related to plotting, outlining, and so on. The actual craft of writing. The last one I went to I haven't finished yet, because some of these summits overlapped each other. ProWritingAid had a romance writers summit. And even though it...