Kitty Corner
I Need More Gray Shirts

Cat love means never going without a bit of extra fur on your person.
New Kitty Bed

Last month I showed you all the La Croix box the kitties liked to share on my desk. Well, I got a new little cozy catcave for them, and they both squeeze in there all the time now. They love it!
Official Kitty Work Space

Because my kitties have insisted on being within an arm's reach of me most of the time, they always tried to sit on my keyboard while I'm at my desk. Sometimes they switched it up and slept in my in-box. I finally got smart, cleared off an official spot for them, and placed a box with a little fleece blanket there. It fits one of them comfortably. But since cats are actually made of water, they both flow in and around the box until they make themselves fit. Now Meli and Tribble snooze while I get my work done. Though sometimes they still get out, stretch, and demand scritches.
Housework, Kitty Edition

Gray sheets and blankets are a must with a gray kitty. What cat hair?
Look at that precious face!
Tribble was a helpful kitty. She enjoyed helping me make the bed. The resulting chaos drew Meli like a honeybee to the nectar, and she had to butt in, too. Never a dull day with my floofy girls.
Kitty Cuteness

Boop the nose!
Kitties are so angelic looking when they sleep. Don't let that fool you!
Meli loves to climb under the blanket I always have on whenever I work and cuddle me. Unfortunately, that means she takes up my entire desk and blocks my keyboard. I have had to get very creative to get work done.
Tribble says, "Get to work!" (Actually, it's more like, "Scritch me now, lady!"
Tribble likes to put in her two claws on my edits.
You're spelling it all wrong. Here, let me.
I'm boring today. Yaaawwwn.
The girls stole my blanket and are cuddling on the filing cabinet...
What We Did On Thanksgiving

Rocket ship Santa!
Pineapples are very Christmassy. Didn't you know?
There's no place like gnome.
Farmhouse fun!
Hanging with a nice cuppa joe.
Kitty temptation. Uh-oh.
We're done! Tired kiddo.
Can you tell what we did? These are pics of some of my favorite ornaments this year. We change our color theme from year to year. A few years ago, it was black, red and silver. Then blue, white, and sea themed. This year it's black, red and green. Next year we'll probably do blue and green. We try not to go too differently from year to year because I'm not made of money. Though I wish I was, because there are...
The Only Way I get Any Work Done these Days

The things we do to keep our cats happy. I swear. She loves to burrow under the blanket. I always have a blanket on when I am at my desk, because there's a draft near my desk and I'm cold. So she burrows under my blanket and when she's there, there is no place for my keyboard.
As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. Viola! My new desk. She didn't seem to mind, and slept right through me typing away.
Cat Snuggles Round #386

As we have established, Meli loves to snuggle me under covers. I'm trying to get some work done on Canva, and she is making it incredibly difficult, because her body is blocking my access to my keyboard. But you know the rule, once a cat is on you, you aren't allowed to move her. (Who makes these rules?)
She is really more on the desk than on me, but still. She's purring! When Meli is purring, I really don't want to move her. She is too adorable and sweet. So to get any work done, I have to hold up my keyboard in one hand and type with the other. It's ridiculous.
I think my fellow cat owners will...
The Box Says It All

Kitty in a box. Tribble just can't help herself. Amazon scores a win on this one.
Why Buy Expensive Cat Toys, When Cats Are Content with Bags and Boxes?

And then there are the packing...
Cuddle Bug Meli

This is one of Meli's favorite places to be. She's a happy kitty!
I'm always cold at my desk, even in the summer, so I often have a blanket. Meli likes to burrow under it and snuggle with me. It makes working at my desk a challenge... But it's hard to tell a happy, purring kitty no.
Where's My Breakfast, Lady?

Tribble staring at me as I prepare for the morning in the kitchen. Apparently, I'm supposed to feed her as soon as I wake up, not twenty-five minutes later. How dare I make her wait!
Kitty Corner

This post honors them and how they have worked their way into my book. I have a cat character named Rayleon Whipclaw in Cooking Up Magick, and many of her character quirks come from observing my own cats.
Behold, meet Tribble the Terror. Named such because she was an eight week old fluffy ball of trouble when I brought her and her sister home.
And this is her sister Meli, the Eldritch Horror. So named because as a kitten she was like a bee, buzzing around the room. The photos below are before and after taking growth serum. She makes it very hard...