Contests and Magazine Submissions
Aug 02, 2024 by HL Bernabe
I submitted my first "chapter" to the Craft First Chapter 2024 contest!
24 Hour Writing Contest and Short Stories Are My New Jam

Jan 19, 2024 by HL Bernabe
I participated in a story writing contest over the weekend, and discovered I actually enjoyed writing a short story with a small word count. (Small as in less than 1000 words or less.) What a novel idea! (pun intended)
NaNoWriMo 2022 NSFW Version

Nov 24, 2022 by HL Bernabe
NSFW You have been warned!
I'm taking part in NaNo again this year. For those of you who don't know what that is, NaNo is National Novel Writing Month, where a bunch of us writers all get together in spirit and write our asses off, with the goal of reaching 50,000 words. I have participated the last two years, and "won", i.e. I reached the target goal and then some.
For my last two NaNos, I worked on my fantasy novel series. This year I needed a break to refresh. Working on one thing for so long, even when I love the project, can be tedious. I needed to do something different, something to take myself out of that world, so...
I'm taking part in NaNo again this year. For those of you who don't know what that is, NaNo is National Novel Writing Month, where a bunch of us writers all get together in spirit and write our asses off, with the goal of reaching 50,000 words. I have participated the last two years, and "won", i.e. I reached the target goal and then some.
For my last two NaNos, I worked on my fantasy novel series. This year I needed a break to refresh. Working on one thing for so long, even when I love the project, can be tedious. I needed to do something different, something to take myself out of that world, so...
3 Day Novel Writing Contest

Sep 10, 2022 by HL Bernabe
So I did this crazy thing. It's called the 3 Day Novel Writing Contest. Anvil Press holds this contest over the three days of the Labor Day weekend. The idea is to write a novel in three days. Contestants get 72 hours to write a complete draft of a story. You know, with engaging characters, snappy dialogue, conflict, good pacing, an interesting plot, and so on. In 72 hours. In order to do that, the writer must unleash those creative juices, massage the brain, imbibe a shit-ton of java, prop their eyeballs open with toothpicks, and not die. Oh, and of course, write their ass off. Did I mention this was over the course of only...
So I did this crazy thing. It's called the 3 Day Novel Writing Contest. Anvil Press holds this contest over the three days of the Labor Day weekend. The idea is to write a novel in three days. Contestants get 72 hours to write a complete draft of a story. You know, with engaging characters, snappy dialogue, conflict, good pacing, an interesting plot, and so on. In 72 hours. In order to do that, the writer must unleash those creative juices, massage the brain, imbibe a shit-ton of java, prop their eyeballs open with toothpicks, and not die. Oh, and of course, write their ass off. Did I mention this was over the course of only...