January Ramping Up

January and February are starting my year off with lots of stuff to do. By Her Grace: A Dell Chronicles Novella is going to be moved onto the Amazon platform at the beginning of February. As soon as it is available there, I will let you all know. I would be deeply grateful if those of you who have read my novella would write a review on the Amazon site when it is up. Oh, and on Goodreads, too!
If you haven’t read By Her Grace: A Dell Chronicles Novella, you can still get it free through Book Funnel. You also have access to a bunch of other free books on a promotion I’m taking part in with a bunch of other indie authors until January 31st. A whopping 73 titles in the fantasy spectrum are free. I’m currently reading Grandfather Anonymous from that list, and so far, it reminds me of the movie R.E.D. A retired cyber operative discovers he’s a grandpa when his estranged daughter visits and dumps her young ‘uns in his lap. She’s in trouble, and won’t say why. Fun! So, if you want my novella or any of the others, go to: Book Funnel
Anyway, back to my January and February tasks. I have to get my edits of Cooking Up Magick: Book One of the Dell Chronicles finished, so that I have time for one last beta read, then fixing any little remaining things, proofing, and formatting and all that other stuff to prepare for launch. I’m mostly done with that editing process, so I don’t expect it taking much longer.
I’m also considering whether I should start a Kickstarter to help raise funds for the costs associated with the publishing of my books. I haven’t entirely decided yet, and won’t make that decision until next month. Right now, I’m just weighing the pros and cons. I expect to make a final decision in the first week of February.
I recently had an interview with the Feed My Reads Blog. Fraser reached out to me on Twitter and asked me if I would be willing, and of course I said yes. You can find that interview here.
Speaking of interviews, I had an interview with J.L. Henker for her Youtube channel Women Fantasy Authors that was a lot of fun! She's starting out with her channel and she's good people. Check it out, like, and subscribe! youtu.be/76KQUXSiH7k
Thursday, I met with the Women in Publishing Fantasy Writer’s group. We discussed a dialogue workshop I’ll be leading in February. That in itself is going to be a fun challenge. The more I do workshops, the better I will get and the more comfortable I will be giving them. I love teaching and mentoring people, so I’m considering doing more of that sort of thing in the future.
Many eons ago, when I was still a young teen, I joining my high school forensics team, and ended up lettering as a freshman. Not forensics as in the science used in investigating crimes, but forensics as in the art of speech and debate. Why would an extreme introvert willingly stand up in front of people and fuddle through a memorized bit? Because I was an idiot, that’s why. I thought it would look good on college applications. That may or may not have been true, but at least the experience has served me well when speaking to groups. It helped me with my interview, too! I still get nervous, but at least I’m able to overcome it and not sit in front of an audience or a camera without shaking or feeling like I’m about to die.
So here is my PSA for today–public speaking skills are useful. If you are still a young ‘un, join your school's forensics team or club. If you’re a person of an older persuasion, join a local Toastmasters Club. You won’t regret it. Well, no, you will regret it. But later, after the terror wears off, you will be glad you did.