Two Summits, One Week

Last week was a doozy, y'all. I attended two writing summits in one week. Now, back in October, I attended three summits over two weeks. And while there was some overlap, I never felt completely overwhelmed with the number of seminars/workshops/etc. on offer.
This time was different. ProWritingAid had their fantasy and science fiction writer's week from February 27 - March 2nd. The Women in Publishing (WIP) Summit was scheduled from March 1st through March 4th. The fantasy summit had about 5-6 workshops per day. They touched on editing, marketing, structure, and basic craft, as well as topics specific to fantasy and science fiction, like world building. The WIP Summit blew the PWA Fantasy Week out of the water content-wise with an average of twenty workshops per day, covering all manner of topics: craft, marketing, publishing routes, editing, even topics specific to different genres or nonfiction or children's books writers, and more! It was impossible to attend each session live, because there were four different zoom rooms with offerings at the same time.
Because I worked for much of the week, I was unable to attend live for most of either summit, but I watched the replays and am STILL watching the replays, because I haven't finished the WIP Summit. There was just SO MUCH. Because I have attended so many workshops and summits this last year, some of this was familiar material. But despite that, I'm still finding a lot of helpful material, especially in the WIP Summit.
Last year's WIP Summit set me on the path to publishing in the first place. Through it, I networked with a lot of women authors and have made some very dear friends. I imagine I will continue to attend the WIP summits from year to year, because it is so useful for networking and meeting other people who are supportive of what I do. The WIP community truly is a wonderful group of authors, editors, designers, marketers, and other industry professionals. Helpful, kind, enthusiastic—they are good people. And I will continue to learn as they integrate more topics and content into their lineup.